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You Can’t Sell a Platform to Users

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Been working on building a new, solid, backbone for AIIM’s information since I joined as CIO. We finally reached the stage for detailed demos last week. While extremely time consuming, it was also extremely educational.

One of the things I hadn’t expected to be so obvious is the right and wrong way to demonstrate a solution built upon a platform. In fact, the dichotomy was so severe that almost every person not giving the demo commented upon it.

I thought I would share the two approaches that we witnessed and then relate it back to the Content Management industry of the last 10+ years. Before I get into that, I’ll provide some context in the form of the project background.

AMS Project Background

Since joining AIIM, I’ve been focusing on acquiring a new AMS (Association Management System) to manage the data about AIIM’s members and programs. This is the software that tracks membership renewals, training, certification, and events attended. It is what you log into when you come to our website to access all of your benefits.

This is a very common piece of software in the Association space. It is essentially the plumbing that makes an Association able to focus on its mission, to serve its members. When it works right, an AMS helps staffers deliver value to members and allows members to take a more active part in the Association.

When it works right.

When it doesn’t, it is like any old piece of software. Data is hard to get out, it doesn’t play nice with other systems, and things never seem to be as easy as they should.

The need to address our AMS challenges were identified before I was hired. I came on board and agreed with the assessment and charged headlong into selecting the AMS for the future. I hired an experienced firm to guide us and keep the project on track.

Last week was demo week. Two of the vendors present were built on platforms. One of them knew how to sell, the other didn’t.

The Two Demos

For the record, there were three vendors, but it was only two of them that were based upon platforms, the other was a “point solution”. The type of platform in question for both platform solutions is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management). It makes sense as Associations have a lot of relationships to manage.

Vendor A came in and tried to sell AIIM an AMS. They demoed the features of their system and focused on what AIIM does every day. They hit our pain points and everyone was very excited. The platform was mentioned and discussed, but it was discussed as a feature, not the purpose.

Vendor B came in and tried to sell AIIM the platform. In fact, I felt like we were being sold a CRM system with a few AMS features rather than the other way around. Our internal sales team liked the demo but everyone else was wondering how this system could be deployed without making our lives worse.

This is when the reality sank in for people. The first is that you can’t just add a few AMS features to a CRM platform and have an AMS that will work for a mature Association. Taking it one level up, we didn’t want to buy the platform. We want the solution.

That is the same for every organization. Users don’t want a platform. They want a business solution. If you try and sell them a platform, you will fail before the end of the demo.

Trust me. I saw it last week.

Platforms and the Content Management Space

This tale is especially poignant for me given the history of the Content Management space. The Content Management industry wasted 10 years trying to sell a better platform without the innovation needed to make projects more successful. They tried to sell the platform. It worked with IT but not very well with users.

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Towards the end of the last decade, the focus shifted to Case Management, but it was still a platform play. It is only now that vendors are starting to realize that switching to solutions that focus on specific business problems is the only way to sell to the business.

Users want a business solution. They don’t want a Content, Case, or Information Management system. They want a Claims Processing or Automated Mailroom solution. They don’t want Big Data, they want a Sentiment Tracking Tool. You can tell users that it is built on a platform which will allow them to leverage [insert benefits A, B, & C], but if it doesn’t solve their problems with minimal configurations, they’ll keep looking.

If you are going to sell a platform for Content Management, or any system, you have to find partner companies that understand how to sell solutions to the market. They have to build a solution on your platform and then sell it to the business users. Those partners will be your key to success because they live the market and understand it in depth.

Without those solutions, platform vendors will have to settle for selling to CIOs and CTOs that have development shops. when you get to smaller organizations, or those that don’t have a collection of developers, the sale won’t happen.

Platform is a Feature

Remember this, if you remember nothing else at all, A Platform is just a Feature. Unless you are building solutions, you don’t want a platform. You want a solution.

Understand your clients. Know their business. Sell them a solution. Do not try and sell them a platform to build a solution on later.

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